5 Tips You Never Knew Would Help You Wake up Feeling Refreshed
Waking up early can be agony for anyone who is just not an early bird. Some of us even go as far as to avoid jobs that require setting an alarm clock. The truth is, we can all adapt to this kind of lifestyle. The key to setting up a new routine is to make the experience as enjoyable as possible. Whether you have to get up early to go to school, work or just because you want to get up and go, you can use the following advice to help make you look forward to opening your beautiful eyes!
1. Get Your Beauty Sleep
I know this one is pretty obvious, but no one tends to listen to this advice closely, even though going to bed early is extremely important. However, if you decide to cut your old habit of staying awake till 3 AM cold turkey, you’ll feel like you’re missing out on a big part of your day. Instead, go slow, move your bedtime fifteen minutes early each night, and eventually, you’ll look forward to diving into your sheets.
2. Think of Something Yummy
Look forward to breakfast. Even though you are going to be in a hurry most mornings, research some quick and tasty breakfast options. Then have those foods prepared and ready to eat in the morning. That way you will have something yummy to think about when you wake up.
3. Make It Special
Another way to look forward to mornings is to create a whole routine that will contain some of your favourite things. Use a favourite shower gel, lotion, or perfume that will make you feel special. Prepare a super cute outfit the night before, that you’ll be excited to wear. Maybe even play your favourite songs as you get ready. Anything that will get you motivated and happy to be will work perfectly
4. Ditch Those Bad Habits
Caffeine addiction, won’t help you get up early, as you will feel awful until you drink that cup of coffee. Try to start your day fresh, replace your coffee addiction with something healthier. For example, a nice, cold, cup of water, some freshly squeezed orange juice, or even a hot cup of green tea.
5. Appreciate
Even if it’s still dark outside, take the time to appreciate the morning. Have a look out of your window and think of all the possibilities awaiting you, the uncertainty of how the day will go, and of everybody else waking up and getting ready for the day like you are. Just take a few deep breaths, and this will set your mind on the right track for the day.