The Complete Beginners Guide to Creating a Simple Daily Face Routine
Who doesn’t wish they were blessed with perfect skin? Fact is, most people do but not everyone is. All the rest of us with imperfect skin can do is work with what we have and try to make it better. It’s never too late to start but experts say it is better the earlier you do. If you don’t have a set skincare routine yet, here’s what you need to know to start.
Know Your Skin Type
Do you have dry, oily, sensitive, combination, or normal skin? Knowing your skin type is the first process in setting up a good skincare routine. Most beauty companies have products specifically targeted for each skin type. For example, a cleanser for people with dry skin would naturally be more moisturizing than a cleanser designed for people with oily skin. Skin also changes significantly over time. While you may have had oily skin in your teen years, your skin in your 30’s might be dry. The products that worked for you then might not work for you now.
There are 5 skin types: dry, oily, sensitive, combination, and normal. Every skin type has a specific way to care for it. Here is a quick run through of each type, describing the skin and giving tips on how to care for each one.
What Skin-Type Do You Have?
Dry skin is the type of skin that doesn't produce enough oil. So the skin doesn't get enough of moisture, which then results in cracking, scaling, and itching. People with dry skin should moisturize often, and make sure to stay away from products that suck up all the moisture from their skin. That includes facial cleansers, and makeup.
Oily skin is the type of skin that produces too much oils. Having too much oil clogs the pores and results in breakouts. People with oily skin should stay away from greasy or oily products, and buy oil free moisturizers and makeups. Matte products, blotting paper, setting sprays and powders can help tame oil build up over the day.
Combination skin is the type of skin that may be oily in some places and dry in others. People with combination skin should use balancing cleansers to stop face from getting to dry or from becoming irritated from too much oil. They should also apply moisturizers that will soothe dry skin, and on oily areas, moisturizers with mattifying properties.
Normal skin isn't too oily or too dry. It is right in the middle, balanced. People with normal skin should only use cleansers that will not disrupt the balance of their skin, and light moisturizers.
Sensitive skin is exactly what it says, sensitive. This kind of skin can result in sores, irritation, or redness. People with sensitive skin should use products that are gentle and restoring, such as soap free cleansers or soothing face masks. They must also remember to be careful and not too rough on their skin.
Face Basics
After you’ve worked out what your skin type is, it is time to know which products you’ll need. These are the very basics of skin care: cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Some people use a 10-step skin care routine but for a beginner, that can be a little bit overwhelming. Start out with these four products and once you have the routine down pat, you can add more. Remember to add just one product at a time. Adding more than one at a time may cause your skin to react negatively.
The first step to getting radiant skin is cleaning it. Cleansers come in many forms such as gels, oils, foams, creams, and more. A clean face will allow the other products you use on it to work better. Make sure to wash your face twice a day. Once in the morning and once before turning in at night.
These will remove any impurities such as makeup and oil left on your skin after cleansing. Toners also hydrate the skin, replenish its pH balance, and give it the appearance of smaller pores due to the removal of oil.
Contrary to popular belief, even people with oily skin should use one. Moisturizers act as barriers against external irritants. If you have oily and acne-prone skin, leaving the moisturizer out of your regimen might actually make it worse. Moisturizers also minimize wrinkles and keep dry skin looking smooth so makeup doesn’t settle into the creases and fine lines of the face.
This is the most important product you’ll ever use if you want to keep pigmentation and wrinkles at bay. Sunscreens block the UV rays that cause discoloration, freckles, wrinkles, sunburn, and cancerous growths on the skin such as melanoma and carcinoma. People often skip this part, thinking that their makeup with a built-in sun protection is enough but doctors warn that it is not so unless you layer 7 times the normal amount of foundation you use on your face.
It's All Worth It
Properly taking care of your skin might consume time, but your skin will love and thank you for it. Plus, you get to reap the benefits for years to come.